14 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity policy and its implementation in Indonesia

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    The purpose of state defense is to protect and to save the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the sovereignty of the state, as well as its security from all kinds of threats, whether they are military or non-military ones. One of the nonmilitary threats that potentially threatens the sovereignty and security of the nationstate is the misuse of technology and information in cyberspace. The threat of irresponsible cyber attacks can be initiated by both state and non-state actors. The actors may be an individual, a group of people, a faction, an organization, or even a country. Therefore, the government needs to anticipate cyber threats by formulating cyber security strategies and determining comprehensive steps to defend against cyber attacks; its types and the scale of counter-measures, as well as devising the rules of law

    Sweden Feminist Foreign Policy in Building Women Entrepreneurship (SHE-Leads Program) in Saudi Arabia 2017-2021

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    In 2017, Sweden built women entrepreneurship (SHE-Leads Program) in Saudi Arabia to foster networks, meetings, and educational opportunities to train Saudi Arabian women as entrepreneurs and innovators. The aim of this study is to elucidate how did Sweden’s feminist foreign policy build women’s entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia 2017-2021. This study was conducted using interview method by electronic mail with Monika Wirkkala, Director of the Department of Communication and Analysis of Sweden at the Swedish Institute (SI). The data are analyzed using the feminist foreign policy concept proposed by Cheung, Gürsel, Kirchner, & Scheyer, which encompasses five core values of feminist foreign policy. The results were as follows: (1) intersectionality, Sweden applied this policy fairly without any differentiation among participants; (2) empathetic reflectivity, Swedish leaders and stakeholders responded positively to this policy by developing SHE-Pioneer; (3) substantive representation and participation, Sweden actively engaged women from the Swedish Institute (SI) and collaborated with non-state actors in formulating and implementing policies; (4) accountability, the policy incorporates evaluation and monitoring, involving program participants, stakeholders, and partners; (5) commitment to peace, the SHE-Leads Program policy is implemented through collaboration, involving participants from diverse backgrounds, and aims to strengthen relations between Sweden and Saudi Arabia. This study concluded that Sweden feminist foreign policy in building women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia (SHE-Leads Program) has reflected Sweden feminist foreign policy and has implemented the five core values of the feminist foreign policy concept


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    The presence of foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) in armed conflicts pose a series of problems for third countries, they become involved even though their country is not one of the warring parties. FTF cannot be ignored because of its association with the activities of international terrorist networks. The paper begins with a brief overview on how FTF is becoming a burning issue in Indonesia's national security. This paper argues that, globalization has played part in terms of making terrorism and radicalization spread easily throughout the world, including Indonesia. Hence, fighting terrorism in both the traditional or contemporary forms is not an easy task anymore. While tackling any practices of terrorism and radicalism is a main priority for many countries around the world, the growing number of FTF in recent years is a clear impact of unfinished government’s effort of fighting terrorism that already growing beyond borders. This paper use qualitative method and the data analysis was undertaken using phenomenology approach. This paper then reflects the complexity of how Indonesia facing its citizen who come back to the country as ISIS returning fighters. It concludes by analyzing the problem of fighting FTF returnees in Indonesia and suggesting how dealing with FTF returnees can be more effective by considering both domestic and regional factors

    Rekrutmen Politik Calon Kepala Daerah (Studi Tentang Seleksi Kandidat Pada Partai Amanat Nasional Pada Pemilukada di Kota Tasikmalaya Tahun 2017)

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    Abstract: Recruitment of regional head candidates is part of the political process within the internal party facing the General Election. Candidate selection is a "secret garden" for each party, besides the easy selection process by other powers outside political parties. This study answers the research question "What is the method of selection in the political recruitment of regional head candidates by the National Mandate Party in the General Election in Tasikmalaya City 2017". This study attempts to review, analyze candidate selection. The theory used is the theory of candidate selection from Rahat (2001). The results of this study indicate that the election in PAN is determined by party elites. Selection is also superior by the strength of "local strongmen" and large financials. The process of selecting candidates in the PAN shows a degree of semi-democracy. The selection of PAN internal cadres is not a qualified cadre who is not qualified, but the selection process of candidates approved by local strongmen, and great financial strength.Keywords: Political Parties, Political Recruitment, Candidate Selection, Elections. Abstrak: Rekrutmen calon kepala daerah merupakan bagian dari proses politik di internal partai dalam menghadapai Pemilukada. Seleksi kandidat merupakan “secret garden” bagi setiap partai, selain itu proses seleksiterkadang mudah dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan lain di luar partai politik. Penelitian ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian “Bagaimana metode seleksi dalam rekrutmen politik calon kepala daerah oleh Partai Amanat Nasional pada Pemilukada di Kota Tasikmalaya 2017”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan, menganalisis seleksi kandidat. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori seleksi kandidat dari Rahat (2001). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seleksi pada PAN ditentukan oleh elit partai. Seleksi juga dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan “local stronge man” dan financial yang besar. Proses seleksi kandidat pada PAN menunjukan derajat semi demokratis. Tidak terpilihnya kader internal PAN bukan disebabkan kader yang maju tidak berkualitas, akan tetapi proses seleksi kandidat dipengaruhi oleh local stronge man, dan kekuatan financial yang besar.Kata Kunci: Partai Politik, Rekrutmen Politik, Seleksi Kandidat, Pemilu


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    Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini, terorisme semakin terinternasionalisasi. Tidak cukup satu lembaga pemerintah untuk mampu menangani terorisme sendirian. Skala ancaman terorisme sering memerlukan keputusan di tingkat kabinet. Hal tersebut menuntut adanya struktur pengambilan keputusan strategis. Artikel ini mengulas struktur dewan keamanan nasional di empat negara, yaitu: Malaysia, Singapura, Australia dan Amerika Serikat; sebagai referensi dalam pembentukan struktur koordinasi penanganan terorisme di Indonesia, walaupun tanpa keberadaan UU Keamanan Nasional dan Revisi UU tentang Pemberantasan Terorisme. Kata kunci: pengambilan keputusan di tingkat kabinet, struktur koordinasi penanganan terorism


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    Poros Maritim Dunia (PMD) merupakan konsep yang disampaikan Presiden Jokowi pada Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Asia Timur, di Naypyidaw Myanmar pada tanggal 13 November 2014. Sementara Jepang dan India telah lebih dulu mencanangkan konsep Confluence of the Two Seas pada tahun 2007, disusul Amerika Serikat dengan Rebalancing toward Asia pada tahun 2011, dan Tiongkok dengan Jalur Sutra Maritim Abad ke-21 di tahun 2013. Keempat kekuatan besar tersebut berkompetisi di kawasan Indo-Pasifik. Paper ini menempatkan PMD sebagai geopolitik Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan dinamika geopolitik yang terjadi di kawasan untuk kepentingan nasional Indonesia. Kata kunci: poros maritim dunia, Indo-Pasifik, geopoliti

    Penerapan Konsep Cross Border Regions (CBRs) dalam Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub-regional Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapura Growth Triangle (IMS-GT)

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    Tulisan ini menganalisa kemunculan dan dinamika perjalanan kesepakatan Growth Triangle  yang diinisiasi oleh pemerintah Singapura yang melibatkan kepulauan Riau di Indonesia dan juga Johor di Malaysia. Penjabaran difokuskan pada dinamika Growth Triangle sebagai sebuah kerjasama sub regional menurut konsep Cross Border Regios (CBRs) dan teori regionalisme baru (New Regionalism Theory). Growth tringle sendiri dalam tulisan ini diidentifikasi sebagai sebuah upaya perintisan kerjasama di wilayah ini, yang pembahasannya terbatas pada  kerjasama ekonomi antar negara dengan industrialisasi barunya di wilayah ini. Zona Indonesia Malaysia Sngapura Growth triangle (IMS-GT) ini dipilih karena posisi lintas perbatasan dan karakteristik mereka yang memiliki latar belakang kerjasama sejarah lintas batas yang panjang, memiliki komposisi multi etnis dan secara geografis berdekatan. Elemen-elemen  secara umum diidentifikasi sebagai pilar-pilar yang memfasilitasi proses yang menggiring sebuah wilayah menjadi ruang yang dinamis bagi para aktornya untuk secara aktif memainkan peran demi menjamin kepentingan-kepentingan transnasional mereka sendiri.   Kata Kunci: Growth Triangle, Kerjasama, Cross Border Regions (CBRs), Teori Regionalisme Baru.   This Paper analyse the rising and dynamics of Growth Triangle that was initiated by Singapore government which involved Kepulauan Riau in Indonesia and Johor in Malaysia. The Substantial topic focuses on the dynamics of Growth Triangle as a sub regional cooperation based on Cross Border Regions (CBRs) and New Regionalism Theory (NRT). Growth Triangle in this paper was identified as a volunteer cooperation among participant countries in this region, which its explanation was  on economic cooperation among countries within their new industrialization. Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Growth Triangle  (IMS-GT) was choosen because of their cross borders and characteristics in  having same cross border cooperations background  history, same ethnic compositions, and geograpically near by each other. Generally the elements are identified as pillars that  fasilitated the process to lead a region became a dynamic space to its actors actively play their role so that their own transnational interests are guaranted.    Keywords: Growth Triangle, Cooperation, Cross Border Regions (CBRs), New Regionalism Theory (NRT). &nbsp

    Mengenal Dewan Keamanan Nasional di Empat Negara sebagai Referensi Pembentukan Struktur Koordinasi Penanganan Terorisme di Indonesia

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    Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini, terorisme semakin terinternasionalisasi. Tidak cukup satu lembaga pemerintah untuk mampu menangani terorisme sendirian. Skala ancaman terorisme sering memerlukan keputusan di tingkat kabinet. Hal tersebut menuntut adanya struktur pengambilan keputusan strategis. Artikel ini mengulas struktur dewan keamanan nasional di empat negara, yaitu: Malaysia, Singapura, Australia dan Amerika Serikat; sebagai referensi dalam pembentukan struktur koordinasi penanganan terorisme di Indonesia, walaupun tanpa keberadaan UU Keamanan Nasional dan Revisi UU tentang Pemberantasan Terorisme